Information about Stats for XCOM 2 can be found here.
Soldier Stats
Soldier stats determine how a Soldier performs in Combat and your Avenger stats show how you are progressing in the game's world with Resources. The stats for each soldier are as follows:
- This Stat determines how accurate the Soldier's shots will be. The higher the number the more likely he/she will be to hit the target. Aim can be modified by Weapons and Armor. Note: Distance also effects the likelihood of a hit.
- This Stat determines the amount of damage the Soldier can take before dying. The higher the number the more damage he/she can take. Health can be modified by Weapons and Armor. Note: Specialists have Soldier Abilities they can use that replenish Health.
- This Stat determines the amount the Soldier can move on his/her Combat turn. The higher the number the more spaces he/she can move. Mobility can be modified by Weapons and Armor.
- This Stat determines the likelihood that a Soldier can hack into Turrets and other electronic devices while in Combat. Hack can be modified by Weapons and Armor.
- This Stat determines resistance to panic and psionic attacks. It also determines how likely it is for your soldiers to bleed out instead of dying (bleeding out is 0% base +1% for each point of will above 50 OR +2% for each point of will above 50 with the "stay with me" upgrade).
- Dodge is a new mechanic introduced in XCOM 2, it gives a chance to receive a "grazed" shot taking only a portion of the damage. Unlike Aim or Will there is no natural way to increase Dodge; you will have to wear a Spider or Wraith suit or equip a Personal Combat Sim. However, in the War of the Chosen Expansion, soldiers can gain dodge as a bonus from some Covert Ops Missions.
- Vipers, Codex, Archons and Elite Lancers come with a Dodge chance, you should take that into account when planning your strategies, especially if you plan to melee said enemies.
- Explosives, psionics and other AoE attacks are not affected by Dodge; sometimes a Soul Fire or Combat protocol might be your best choice.
- After a patch, shots from concealment and 100% shots aren't affected by Dodge either: Snipers with Bluescreen rounds can now reliably one-shot a Codex.
Resources Information
Resources in XCOM 2 are what you gather and use to fund a variety of projects such as constructing Facilities, Engineering Projects and expanding your territory. Resources are tracked as stats in the Avenger and they are listed as follows:
- Power is required to ensure every facility built in the Avenger is operational and can be generated by constructing Power Relays. You need a certain amount of available power to construct new facilities.
- Resistance contacts increase the amount of regions in the world you have access to. They can be gained by building Resistance Comms Facilities.
- This is the amount of Engineers currently on your staff. You gain new Engineers by completing Missions, and can staff them in facilities to provide unique bonuses.
- This is the amount of Scientists currently on your staff. You gain new Scientists by completing Missions, and can staff them in facilities to provide unique bonuses.
- This stat is a count of the amount of Alien Alloys you currently have, which are used to pay for a variety of projects and facilities. You earn Alien Alloys by defeating enemies during Missions.
- This stat is a count of the amount of Elerium Crystals you currently have, which are used to pay for a variety of projects and facilities. You earn Elerium Crystals as rewards from completiing Missions.
- This is your count of Elerium Cores you have which are used to fund Engineering Projects. They can be earned as loot from completing Missions.
- Intel is a secondary resource that you spend to expand to new regions, but it's also spent at the Black Market to buy various Items.
- Supplies are one of your primary resources and are used to pay for a wide variety of facilities, Research Projects and Engineering Projects. You earn Supplies by completing Missions.
- This is the amount of funding you are receiving from your sources. Income is required to pay the monthly upkeep costs of your constructed facilities.
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dodge is not listed